Hi. Welcome to my blog.

Let me introduce myself to you.

I’m cross-grained in a few ways.

I’ve got celiac disease, diagnosed in 2007, so I’m allergic to gluten. That’s allergic in a “sick-like-a-dog” way, not “anaphylactic-shock” way, so, for that, I count myself lucky.

I have multiple sclerosis. I was diagnosed in 2009, but now know my first attack came 17 years before that. For the peaceful time in between the first and second attacks, both of which involved major vision loss– now healed– I also count myself lucky.

I’ve also been around the block a few times, so I can say I am:

  • expert at the “resting-bitch-face,” which to me, looks like thinking, not bitching. I prefer to gift my smiles to those circumstances that deserve them
  • highly allergic to sparkle ponies, whom, I hope, will someday find the difference between their own elbows and backsides without benefit of post-it notes
  • not prone to tears or soft on teariness
  • not prone to believe most stories without research
  • glad I still can work, since I actually like to work
  • endlessly trying to get around my physical limitations by doing unexpected things, as, for instance, NOT sitting in a wheelchair
  • able to fix most things that break by myself
  • generally happy

What is “crossgreained?”

Perverse; untractable; contrary; difficult to deal with. (eg) “She was none of your crossgrained, termagant, scolding jades.” – John Arbuthnot, 1734.

2 thoughts on “About this blog

  1. I really liked your article on pain relief. I just happened upon you through an internet search on LDN and possible effects on the liver. Idk. I was back and forth going down a rabbit hole. But Im glad I found you! I also take LDN for MS. Diagnosed 2 years ago. Just want to keep in touch with like minded people. Thank you!


  2. Thanks Johanna,

    I’ve let the blog lapse for some time owing to other heath issues. My latest bout with the health system was a broken ankle that became infected, and I am now a below-the-knee amputee. I have stopped taking LDN because I take a small dose of amitriptyline to prevent phantom pain in the limb. Since that is a synthetic opiate, LDN would cancel the benefit. I can say I took it for many years, with no elevated liver markers. I did get those with over-the-counter pain meds such a Tylenol. But everyone is different, and I’m in no position to give medical advice! For me, the LDN did help in keeping me stable and in reduced pain for many years. I would consider going back to it once I no longer need the opiate. I would say that now MS is mostly interfering with balance, but I’m also using the first prosthetic, the “training-wheels” version, and doing the best I can.

    I should start blogging again, as this new journey — plus MS–is a wild ride. Well, more like a pirate stump, bur life is always interesting.


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