More eggs baked in meat

It’s a compulsion. I can’t help myself.

No, not really, it’s leftover from this:


Prosciutto baked to a crisp with some seasoning. The crispiest crunchy thing I’ve been able to achieve with meat-crackers. The even get crisper and more shatter-y as they cool. Meat Doritos. Take these things to a chips and dips event and they will be devoured by the glutenous. Eat your share first.


4 thoughts on “More eggs baked in meat

    1. Thanks! I’ve still not gotten the cheesy badness of a nacho type flavor down, but am thinking of how I might accomplish that. (I happen to be cheese-less at the moment. Shocker.)

      This is a Penzeys’ blend called “Northwoods,” which is a great meat spice — lots of paprika and a bit of smoke from chipoltle. P’s recommend it for chicken or fish, but I particularly like it on burgers.

      I think the main problem with crispy prosciutto is it that it always seems to make just one serving, no matter how much I start with. 😉

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      1. Hah Hah Hah!!! Devilishly good! I guess that’s where we got the phrase “Deviled Ham”. It is sinfully good! (If you are a cheese fanatic, Parmesan is tangy. You don’t need a lot and get good ‘cheesy’ flavour!

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